FEB 22 & 23 in Berkeley on Cal campus🚨 URGENT CALL TO ACTION We refuse to let art be used to normalize apartheid and genocide. Join us at Zellerbach to protest Batsheva.Day 1: Protest at 7:30 PM. • Day 2: Protest and teach-in at 1:15PM. Bring blankets to sit. We stand against normalization. We stand against complicity. Show up. Disrupt. Refuse to be silent. — PS Events on campus are open to everyone in the community!  there!

QUIT! supports rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transexual and intersex people (LGBTQI), and opposes all anti-queer measures, everywhere. QUIT! has a long history of supporting international and local queer rights. But our struggle is for liberation, not equality, in this or any oppressive society. We don’t seek to be soldiers of imperialism, not in the US and not in Israel. We see all fights for liberation as our fight, and we see our fight as queers as part of all liberation struggles. We do not want to assimilate in this oppressive and unequal society, we want to radically transform it.

Our mission was, and is, to build support in the Bay Area queer communities for Palestinian liberation, to make queers and queer liberation visible and integral to the local Palestine solidarity movement, to support queer organizing in Palestine and around the Arab world, and to oppose United States colonialism, military intervention, and funding and support for Israeli colonialism. One Palestinian member articulated our primary goal this way: “When the history of Palestinian liberation is written, I want at least a footnote  to say that queers were part of the struggle.”